Our news

Seminar for students on reduction of water footprint in the textile sector!

Within the framework of the REWAFT💧 Project, last Thursday 7th March, the company Care Applications presented an interesting seminar 🧑‍🏫 as part of the training programme for Higher Education students focused on the reduction of the water footprint 👣 in the textile sector.

Carmina Ferri, founder and CEO of the company, shared with the students of the Master in Textile Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de València UPV her experience and knowledge in the development and optimisation of machinery for dyeing, washing, special finishes, for wet and dry processes in garments👖👔👚, which result in more sustainable products🌱

Care Applications®, known for its commitment to ethical and sustainable processes🌍, differentiates itself by renewing ♻️ and customizing customers’ existing machines to maximize their performance. This approach not only generates significant energy 🔋 and water 🚰 savings, but also reduces the environmental impact associated with the processes on garments in the textile industry.

We are very grateful to Carmina Ferri 🙏 for her participation in this seminar which, in addition to providing future textile industry workers with knowledge of alternative technologies for reducing water consumption 💧 and optimising wet processes, also provided an excellent opportunity for students to establish direct connections with industry professionals.

Rewaft Project Presentation at SUSTAIN E+ Project Final Event

📣 We are pleased to share that the Rewaft Project was presented at the “SUSTAIN E+ Project Final Event” on 23 February in the city of Valencia📣

The Sustain E+ project, dedicated to fostering sustainable European initiatives🌐, provided an ideal platform to present the project and the results of Rewaft💧

Rewaft aims to raise awareness of the water footprint 👣in the textile sector and to increase the sustainability skills of students and textile companies in relation to the sustainable use of water in textiles🌍

The day was developed with the exploration of several Erasmus+ projects that share a common theme of sustainability 🌱 reinforcing the importance of establishing good practices to implement sustainable projects. It was an engaging experience, highlighting the collective effort towards building a more sustainable future🌿

REWAFT | 2nd Newsletter

19 June 2024.

The 2nd Newsletter for project REWAFT is out!

Learn more about our results and check out our exciting announcement!

You can download it in English from here.

#Erasmus Days: REWAFT

Last Wednesday, 11th October, REWAFT project was presented at the UPV-Alcoy Campus during the #Erasmus_Days.

The presentation was attended by students and staff of the Campus. The results obtained so far in the project were presented. The different Seminars that will be given were disseminated, as well as the tool developed for the calculation of the water footprint of textile companies.

Promotional material of the Erasmus Days was distributed among the attendees.

Do you want to learn more about our activities?

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REWAFT | 1st Newsletter

30 September 2023.

The 1st Newsletter for project REWAFT is out!

Learn more about our results and check out our exciting announcement!

You can download it in English from here.

Meeting in Alcoy May 2023 

REWAFT partners met in Alcoy, Spain, to discuss about the project results that have been developed so far. Among the topics explored in the meeting, were: The Progress of the measuring model for water footprint, the Training of HEI students and Capacity Building of companies to reduce their water footprint.

Do you want to learn more about our activities?

Follow us on Social Media to stay updated!

Meeting in Kaunas January 2023 

23 January 2023.

REWAFT is a collaborative project between 6 partners from 4 European countries. In order for the collaboration to be efficient, partners met in Kaunas on 23 January, in order to discuss the plan of activities for the next months. If you are interested in the project, just contact us, we would love to discuss about the project! 

Read our leaflet 

19 January 2023.

Learn more about REWAFT and what we try to do through our leaflet. You can now download it in English from here. 

REWAFT project starts its activities.

20 December 2022 

We are excited to announce the kick start of REWAFT Erasmus+ project activities. The project started on November 2022 and will continue its activities for 2 years, till October 2024. Please browse through our website to learn more about REWAFT! 

Project Number: 2022-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000086367

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.