Our news


Guide of Good practices

he latest Guide of good practices is an important resource for textile companies, designed to help them reduce their water footprint and enhance their sustainability. The Guide offers practical information, case studies and action plans directly linked to industry needs. It covers the importance of minimizing water usage and wastewater management. It also highlights simple […]

REWAFT | 3rd Newsletter

The 3rd Newsletter for project REWAFT is out! Learn more about our results and check out our exciting announcement! You can download it in English from here.

The final conference in Spain of the REWAFT project was a great success!

On 24 September 2024, at the UPV Alcoy Campus, the Final Conference of the REWAFT Project brought together industry leaders, experts and companies from the textile sector to explore and discuss sustainable solutions aimed at reducing the water footprint.Organised by the REWAFT Project in collaboration with the Life Anhidra Project, this event focused on presenting […]

Final TPM in Greece

On September 17, 2024, the Final partners meeting for “REWAFT” project  took place at the University of West Attica in Athens, Greece.

Seminar for students on reduction of water footprint in the textile sector

Seminar for students on reduction of water footprint in the textile sector! Within the framework of the REWAFT Project, last Thursday 7th March, the company Care Applications presented an interesting seminar as part of the training programme for Higher Education students focused on the reduction of the water footprint in the textile sector. Carmina Ferri, […]

Rewaft Project Presentation at SUSTAIN E+ Project Final Event

Rewaft Project Presentation at SUSTAIN E+ Project Final Event We are pleased to share that the Rewaft Project was presented at the «SUSTAIN E+ Project Final Event» on 23 February in the city of Valencia The Sustain E+ project, dedicated to fostering sustainable European initiatives, provided an ideal platform to present the project and the […]

REWAFT | 2nd Newsletter

REWAFT | 2nd Newsletter 19 June 2024. The 2nd Newsletter for project REWAFT is out! Learn more about our results and check out our exciting announcement! You can download it in English from here.

#Erasmus Days: REWAFT

#Erasmus Days: REWAFT Last Wednesday, 11th October, REWAFT project was presented at the UPV-Alcoy Campus during the #Erasmus_Days. The presentation was attended by students and staff of the Campus. The results obtained so far in the project were presented. The different Seminars that will be given were disseminated, as well as the tool […]

REWAFT | 1er Boletín

REWAFT | 1er Boletín 30 Septiembre 2023. Ya está aquí el primer boletín del proyecto REWAFT. Obtenga más información sobre nuestros resultados y vea nuestro emocionante boletín! Puede descargarlo en español desde aquí.

Reunión en Alcoy Mayo 2023

Reunión en Alcoy Mayo 2023 Los socios de REWAFT se reunieron en Alcoy, España, para comentar los resultados del proyecto que se han desarrollado hasta el momento. Entre los temas explorados en la reunión, se encontraban: El Progreso del modelo de medición de la huella hídrica, la Formación de estudiantes de IES y la Capacitación […]

Project Number: 2022-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000086367

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.